22 year old Kevin Jonas appeared on the new game show, "Minute to win it" Wednesday, may 12th at eight pm.
Laughs, giggles, "come on's!" from the audience, and history was made on that night's show, for Kevin was the first person to ever make it to level nine, in the two month history of the game show.
Not only was history made, but so were rules.
For a regular person, if you didn't make it above the fifty thousand dollar mark before losing all three lives, you walked away with no money.
But for Kevin, the rule was changed to whatever amount Kevin lost his three lives at, he would walk away with that money in his pocket.
Why the sudden change of rules?
Well the host, thought he'd change the rules since Kevin was playing the game to win money for their charity "Change for the children" foundation.
He played nine different games, including "Junk in the trunk", "matchmaker", and "Don't blow the joker".
"Don't blow the joker" was Kevi

He walked away with two hundred, fifty thousand dollars.
if five hundred thousand, fed as many people as Kevin said it did, imagine what two hundred, fifty thousand is going to feed.
Now here's one question I bet everybody is wanting to know...
in the audience, was Kevin's wife Danielle, His brothers Nick, and Frankie, and his parents, Paul, and Denise.
But wait a minute...
Where was Joe?
The 20 year old, middle brother of the band was not seen in the audience.
Where was he?
I can guess two possible places, he's either, 1: working on his solo album everybody has been hearing rumors about, or 2: With his girlfriend, and best friend Demi Lovato.

I guess will never know.
Thanks for reading,
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